Fact sheet

Company Name: Articore Group Limited
Business Description:

Articore owns and operates the leading global online marketplaces, Redbubble.com and TeePublic.com. The Group’s community of passionate creatives sell uncommon designs on high-quality, everyday products such as apparel, stationery, housewares, bags and wall art. Through the Redbubble and TeePublic marketplaces, independent artists are able to profit from their creativity and reach a new universe of adoring fans. For the artists’ customers, it’s the ultimate in self-expression. A simple but meaningful way to show the world who they are and what they care about.

Founded in 2006, Articore Group was previously known as Redbubble Limited (ASX:RBL).

ASX ticker code: ASX: ATG
Group Chief Executive Officer:

Martin Hosking
Group Chief Financial Officer: Rob Doyle
Board of Directors:

Anne Ward (Chair)

Martin Hosking

Greg Lockwood

Ben Heap

Robert Sherwin

Company Secretary:

Carlie Hodges 

Registered Office: Level 12, 697 Collins Street,
Docklands, Victoria, 3008
Business websites:

Redbubble.comOpens in new window

TeePublic.comOpens in new window

Investor Centre: www.articore.comOpens in new window
Share Registry: Link Market Services Limited
Tower 4
727 Collins Street
Docklands VIC 3008 
www.linkmarketservices.com.auOpens in new window
Auditor: Ernst & Young
8 Exhibition Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000